The Healing Power of Shadow Work.
When we practice including our shadow throughout our female cycle, it allows us to experience ourselves and life in a much more conscious and self-compassionate way.
If we assert that all experience exists within us, within the polarities of our cyclical nature, then we need to acknowledge what is valuable or helpful about the shadow. Practicing integrating our shadow aspects, leads to humility and authentic connection in our relationships.
The shadow process is about noticing disowned qualities and traits in yourself. When you can re-own these qualities in yourself, you have the freedom not to get hooked or triggered by them. You skilfully acknowledge it, integrate it and move on.
When engaging in the process, we are coming from a place of curiosity, interest and self empowerment, rather than an either/or position.
The process is not about making you or the other right or wrong, good or bad, its about your growth to be able to meet yourself with empowerment, inquiry and discovering something new about yourself.
Fun Fact… The inner critic will move you into the threat/self protection system to protect you from any emotional pain it anticipates that you will feel. The inner critic will try to convince you not to do this process or that you already know the outcome.
The 3,2,1 shadow process is part of Ken Wilber’s Integral Life Practice. You can find out more at Integral Life click here.
Working together…
We will move through the process to enable you to integrate perspectives, release limiting beliefs and unfreeze your creative energy.
Next 4 wk Course Starts Wednesday 24th April- Click Here.
Peri-Menopause Deep Dive – Click Here.
3,2,1 Shadow Process.
Spoiler Alert! This may feel awkward, and it should. The qualities you are facing, talking to and being, are the exact traits that you have been opposing in yourself.
Step one: Face it. Bring to mind a person or situation. that frustrates, annoys or upsets you. Or it could be a person with who you are infatuated with. Describe those qualities or the characteristics that you are most repelled by or attracted to. Use 3rd-person language to describe what they do or how they are being e.g. They… He…, She…, It…. Talk about them out loud or write it down in a journal. Take this opportunity to “let it out.” Don’t try to be skillful or say the right thing. There is no need to censor your description. The person you are describing will never see this.
Step two: Talk to it. Begin an imaginary dialogue with this person. Speak in 2nd person to this person, using “you” language. Talk directly to this person as if he or she were actually there in the room with you. Ask them questions such as
♥ “Why are you doing this to me?”
♥ “What do you want from me?”
♥ “What are you trying to show me?”
♥ “What do you have to teach me?”
Imagine answering with their response to these questions. What are they saying to you? Speak that imaginary response out loud or record the conversation in your journal if you like.
Step three: Be it. Become this person. Speak from their position. Take on the qualities that either annoy or fascinate you. Embody the traits you described in “Face It.” Use 1st-person language I, me, mine. Fill in the blank with whatever qualities you are working with: “I am__________.” and continue to say the sentence. Use statements such as “I am angry,” “I am jealous,” “I am radiant.”
Work with me – Lets discover and integrate those disowned qualities you have so you can begin to
release your creative energy.
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